Admissions FAQs


What are the eligibility requirements?

 Citizen of South Carolina and legal resident of the US

 Male or female, 16 through 19 years old

 Students over 19 years old will be considered on a case by case basis

 Not under indictment or convicted of a felony offense

 Not under court order to attend

 Students are voluntarily committed to attending

 Physically and mentally capable of completing the program

How much does it cost to apply or attend?

The program is free! Room and board, tuition, and books are provided at no cost. However, parents/guardians are responsible for all required items listed on the packing list and $275 administrative fee.

How long does the application process take?

The application process time varies. Once all the completed paperwork is received and an applicant is interviewed, it often takes no longer than 2 weeks for the Admissions Committee to make a decision.

Do I need to send the original documents to Wil Lou Gray?

Admissions will request all required records.

What happens if Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School does not receive all of the required paperwork?

When an application is received without all records, it may delay the admission process.

If a prospective applicant is still 15 years old, can a parent/guardian submit an application before the child turns 16?

Yes. After the application is complete, an appointment will be scheduled at that time.  In the meantime, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact their local school district or search for other alternative placements.

What is the male required registration attire?
-Buzz haircut, clean shaven face with no jewelry.
-Shirt must be white collar (no designs or logos) short or long sleeve, with all black tie. 
-Black Belt will be worn through loops fitting properly without excessive length or extreme buckles. 
-Black dress slacks fitted around the waist. No baggy or saggy pants. 
-Fingernails neatly trimmed.
-Black dress socks.
-Black dress shoes only. Shoes must be properly worn, laced or fastened.
What is the female required registration attire?
We follow military standards for women’s hair. Natural hair color ONLY. Please click on the link for pictures to reference.
-Shirt must be a white long or short-sleeved shirt. Shirt is to be tucked into the dress slacks.
-Nails must be natural color, no polish, no acrylic or gel nails.
-Undergarments must be skin tone only.
– Dress slacks must be black in color. If the dress slacks have belt loops, a belt must be worn through the loops. The belt must fit properly without excessive length or extreme buckles.
– Shoes must be black in color and heels cannot exceed 2 inches. No clogs or platform shoes.

 Academics FAQs


How many times can a student take the GED?

A student can take the GED test while at Wil Lou Gray many times within the semester, depending on their readiness for the testing subject.

If a parent/guardian has a question, can they contact a particular teacher?

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to stay informed of student progress. All e-mail addresses are available on the Contacts page.

If a student does not pass the GED, will he/she still graduate from the Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School?

Select students are invited to return to complete their GED, however, an awards ceremony is held at the end of each trimester to honor student achievement.

How does a student obtain a copy of his/her GED?

Tests are scored electronically with same day results given to each student. A copy of your GED may be obtained by calling the State Department of Education at 803.734.8347.

How do I request my educational records from Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School?

Please click the following link to request records from Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School

Parent FAQs


What kind of medical care will students receive while attending WLGOS?

The Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School has an exceptional on-site medical facility that provides best quality “holistic care” to all of our students. The facility is staffed with a Health Director, two nurses, a medical assistant, School Social Worker, and Crisis Counselor.  The unit is staffed 7 days a week, and a Registered Nurse is on call at all times. All medications, treatments and procedures are provided through the medical staff. General counseling, anger management and alcohol and drug concerns are referred to the School Social Worker and Licensed Professional Counselor. This department works to promote the mental and physical wellness of each individual while the students reside with us on campus.

Will a child be provided medication while attending school?

Yes all medication, OTC and prescribed, are administered by the medical department.

When are parents/guardians allowed to visit the campus?

We encourage parents/guardians to communicate by mail. The students earn phone privileges only after the first two weeks of enrolling at the school. Parents/Guardians are welcome to phone staff at any time.

How does a parent/guardian add money to the student's school bank account?

Money may be added to a student’s account by contacting Kristen Shumpert at 803-896-6487 in the finance department.

What happens during severe weather?

Unless parents/guardians are notified otherwise, during severe weather, proper precautions will be taken to coincide with weather conditions and students will remain on campus.

Who is the campus official to contact when a parent/guardian is unable to pick-up a child during a holiday or weekend pass?

NOT AN OPTION! Parents/Guardians must pick up students on mandatory pass dates (refer to Academic Calendar).


Get In Touch


3300 W Campus Rd,
West Columbia, SC


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